Many folks get stuck when it comes to writing internal documentation. Knowing where to start, what to include, and how to write it can seem a little overwhelming.
Jonathan DeVore
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Creating a how-to blog post is a great way to teach your tribe. Instead of just giving wisdom, you're actually teaching them how to do something and take the next step forward.
We found that if a how-to blog post has a lot of images (either screenshots or pictures), and those images are marked up, writing a post can take a long time.
- Taking the screenshots,
- marking them up,
- uploading images one at a time,
- writing the post and formatting everything,
- then re-uploading a few images because they didn't quite look right, etc.
That's why we decided to add a feature to our Clarify software that allows authors and bloggers to quickly assemble a how-to article, and post it directly to their WordPress website as either a post or a page. The integrated image capture, markup, and authoring will make things go much faster. And if you have to make an update, just swap out images and re-publish it to WordPress.
In this example, I'll show you how I created a blog post where I show folks how to do a magic trick, and pull a rope through somebody's arm. You can see the blog post by clicking here, and you can read how I made the blog post by following along below.
1. Enter the title of your WordPress blog
Open your Clarify document. Where is says "Subject," enter the title of your WordPress blog post.