Clarify 2 is here

Posted by Greg DeVore

After many months in beta, Clarify 2 is finally here!

We want to offer a big thanks to the many beta testers that have added such great feedback and have helped make Clarify 2 a better product.


Topics: Clarify

Clarify 2 Public Beta and the New Clarify Blog

Posted by Greg DeVore

Welcome-to-ClarifyWe are happy to announce the public beta of Clarify 2. If you don't like reading, just click here so you can download it. But if you want to read more about it before you download the beta, we have a few bullet points that highlight some of the major changes. 

Clarify 2 Beta

This one has been a long time in the works but we think you are really going to love it. Here are some of the highlights:

  1. Multiple images per step
  2. Sub-steps
  3. WordPress export
  4. More advanced PDF templates
  5. Auto-number steps
  6. Word export
  7. HTML export
  8. More control over annotation properties
  9. Tags
  10. Support for capturing full-screen applications on OS X
